Oh how I love the 4th of July, it is by far my favorite holiday of the year. This was our third year to go to Grey Rock on the eve of the 4th, the weather was perfect, the setting is unbelievable and it was so fun to see so many people there. We brought Jordan and Ryan with us this year since they were in town.
I forgot to even take any photos of the fireworks, we had way too much fun this evening...
The next day we got ready all morning for a party, everyone came over at 3pm and we swam and swam. I made red, white, and blue sangria and red, white and blue M&M cookies for the kids.
After some swimming and burgers, we got a game of flip cup going! Hadn't played that in a long time.
Sarah came over, she's 9 months prego and such a good sport!
Stacy and Jay being fun (and funny), as always.
The kids would run and play and then just jump right back in the pool. They had so much fun playing soccer here.
Fireworks began and went on until way dark in the night. Addy didn't like them, she stayed on top of Scott's car for the most part. It was a good show in the street and we could see about 6 or 7 other shows from there too. Never made it to Bob, but we had a successful party indeed.