Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend fun Sept 22

Bring on the fall weather!  Saturday morning we started our day at a birthday party at Buckaroo Ranch where Addy got to ride a pony, play games and eat cake. 
Saturday afternoon we went by Fowler Fest at Nutty Brown to say hi to Casey.  That sure was a production!  Apparently the new thing is to wear short shorts and cowboy boots.
Then we got to celebrate Jamie's 40th at their house.  Her talented friends made this cake and Chris roasted a pig all day long.  It was a lot of fun!
We spent a lot of time outside this weekend.  Saturday morning we ate Scotty's famous pancakes outside and Sunday the kids and Scott were measuring the yard to see if a playscape will fit.  Then we played soccer and jumped on the trampoline later on that day.  It feels good to get to play in our yard!
On Sunday we had three beautiful visitors.  Sam brought over her sweet twins that are 8 months old, Betsy and Connor.  It was so nice to have babies in the house again, although it made me realize how fast that time flies by with our own kids and how the loss of sleep in that time makes you forget all about when they were babies.  It was great to hang out with them on a Sunday afternoon and Sam even left here with some toys.  Addy got to play at Brynne's house all day and said she wasn't even scared of Bob (their dog) and didn't worry about where he was.  That is a huge improvement!  The day was finished with dinner from the Salt Lick and the Emmy's on TV.