Seriously I thought I was going to die and go straight up to heaven today. I did my very first hot bikram yoga class today. Room temp is 105 degrees and humidity at 50%. I was so red and sweating and shaking so bad. But the good news is I made it through and the instructor said I did a really good job for my first time.
Leading up to today's class Thalia would text me saying things like make sure you drink lots of water today, wear as little clothing as you can, don't eat a big breakfast, get a good night's sleep, so I was a little scared going into this hottest room ever. During class I had a picture in my head of the paramedics coming to get me and swooping me to the hospital. But I made it through, I feel good and I am proud of myself for accomplishing the hardest workout ever. It used to be the first time I did cycle spin class and now my hardest class ever is definitely bikram yoga.