Our street had a block party to welcome our new neighbors Mandy and Anthony Mistretta. It was a BLAST!!
Here's our way up to the party:
This is Brady putting on a show for us, he had all the ladies laughing so he just kept on going. Can you see Millie at the bottom laughing? It was funnier watching her laugh than at what he was doing.
Brady and Cole drove their cars around all over, all night long.
This is Brady driving Cole's sister Arden around. She is a cutie! We think they may be married in 25 years or so.
Uh oh, the party is starting now that T is dancing!!
Tanya moved the party into her Club 120 garage after there were a few raindrops. The kids LOVED playing the drums!
I mean, who has a street this cool where you have a live dance party with your kids in tow? So fun!