Saturday, December 15, 2012


Round 1 of 3 today...Ava's birthday party!

Round 2...a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon...Christmas at the farm.  This is by far my favorite shot.  And I took this on my iPhone!

 Annual family pic up in the tree...we are really high up here!
 Addy was so happy to get the Nutcracker!  A perfect gift for her!  And Brady was most excited about getting a wet vac.  He asked everyone there to open it for him.  That made him more excited than the remote control truck, which is odd for a 2 year old!
 Good times...Poppy and Brady in the back of the tractor!
Addy, Max and Brady eating dessert

And then there was round 3. Annual party at Chris' house,  his 10th annual Merry ChristmaQuanzaHanukkah party.  We have been going to this party since 2002, the years we were in town, which is most since its always the same weekend as the farm.  It is always so much fun and the most entertaining white elephant gift exchange ever.  I was even out past midnight!  Whoo hoo!
 These were the commentators of the gift exchange.  They were very animated and funny.
My other Boo, Sarah.

This was a really cool gift from Casey.  It's a collage of all the boys from high school/college.  I even made it on there...old school.

Today Addy and I are going to see the Nutcracker.  It's one of her favorites.
 We got dressed up for the show!
 Gotta have ice cream on a Mommy/daughter date!

Waiting for the show to was so cool to see all the ballerinas.  We moved up from here so we were actually in the 2nd row!